If you are ever wondering why your deposit address changed, please remember that they are not permanent, particularly for ETH/USDT addresses. Always take the time to double-check before sending cryptocurrency to the designated address. Failure to do so may result in sending the cryptocurrency to the wrong address, and such transactions will not be covered by us.
Another concern is Clipboard hijacking or hacking, where malware alters the address copied from the clipboard to a different one not owned by you, especially if your device is infected. Malware or viruses on your device, typically originating from recently installed applications, browser extensions, or suspicious links you've clicked, are often responsible for this. If you experience this issue, immediately run a malware and virus scan on your device, clear your browser's cache and cookies, and restart your device.
To protect yourself from such occurrences, take the time to triple-check the address where the cryptocurrency will be sent before confirming each OTP.
Stay vigilant at all times!
We are available 24/7. If you require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us!